Source code for pyalluv.plotting

from __future__ import division, absolute_import, unicode_literals
from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
from datetime import datetime
from bisect import bisect_left

[docs]class AlluvialPlot(object): r""" Parameters =========== clusters: dict[str, dict], dict[float, list] or list[list] You have 2 options to create an Alluvial diagram\: raw data: dict[str, dict] *NOT IMPLEMENTED YET* Provide for each cluster (`key`) a dictionary specifying the out-fluxes in the form of a dictionary (`key`: cluster, `value`: flux). .. note:: The `key` ``None`` can hold a dictionary specifying fluxes from/to outside the system. If is present in the provided dictionary it allows to specify in-fluxes, i.e. data source that were not present at the previous slice. If it is present in the out-fluxes of a cluster, the specified amount simply vanishes and will not lead to a flux. collections of :obj:`.Cluster`: dict[float, list] and list[list] If a `list` is provided each element must be a `list` of :obj:`.Cluster` objects. A `dictionary` must provide a `list` of :obj:`.Cluster` (*value*) for a horizontal position (*key*), e.g. ``{1.0: [c11, c12, ...], 2.0: [c21, c22, ...], ...}``. axes: :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` Axes to draw an Alluvial diagram on. y_pos: str **options:** ``'overwrite'``, ``'keep'``, ``'complement'``, ``'sorted'`` 'overwrite': Ignore existing y coordinates for a cluster and set the vertical position to minimize the vertical displacements of all fluxes. 'keep': use the cluster's :attr:`~pyalluv.clusters.Cluster.y_pos`. If a cluster has no y position set this raises an exception. 'complement': use the cluster's :attr:`~pyalluv.clusters.Cluster.y_pos` if set. Cluster without y position are positioned relative to the other clusters by minimizing the vertical displacements of all fluxes. 'sorted': NOT IMPLEMENTED YET cluster_w_spacing: float, int (default=1) Vertical spacing between clusters cluster_kwargs: dict (default={}) dictionary styling the Path elements of clusters. Keys: `facecolor`, `edgecolor`, `alpha`, `linewidth`, ... cluster_kwargs: dict (default={}) dictionary styling the :obj:`~matplotlib.patches.PathPatch` of clusters. for a list of available options see :class:`~matplotlib.patches.PathPatch` flux_kwargs: dict (default={}) dictionary styling the :obj:`~matplotlib.patches.PathPatch` of fluxes. for a list of available options see :class:`~matplotlib.patches.PathPatch` Note ----- Passing a string to `facecolor` and/or `edgecolor` allows to color fluxes relative to the color of their source or target clusters. ``'source_cluster'`` or ``'target_cluster'``: will set the facecolor equal to the color of the respective cluster. ``'cluster'`` *and* ``'source_cluster'`` *are equivalent.* ``'<cluster>_reside'`` or ``'<cluster>_migration'``: set the color based on whether source and target cluster have the same color or not. ``'<cluster>'`` should be either ``'source_cluster'`` or ``'target_cluster'`` and determines the cluster from which the color is taken. **Examples\:** ``facecolor='cluster_reside'`` set `facecolor` to the color of the source cluster if both source and target cluster are of the same color. ``edgecolor='cluster_migration'`` set `edgecolor` to the color of the source cluster if source and target cluster are of different colors. \**kwargs optional parameter: x_lim: tuple the horizontal limit values for the :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes`. y_lim: tuple the vertical limit values for the :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes`. set_x_pos: bool if clusters is a dict then the key is set for all clusters cluster_width: float (NOT IMPLEMENTED) overwrites width of all clusters format_xaxis: bool (default=True) If set to `True` the axes is formatted according to the data provided. For now, this is only relevant if the horizontal positions are :class:`~datetime.datetime` objects. See :meth:`~.AlluvialPlot.set_dates_xaxis` for further informations. x_axis_offset: float how much space (relative to total height) should be reserved for the x_axis. If set to 0.0, then the x labels will not be visible. fill_figure: bool indicating whether or not set the axis dimension to fill up the entire figure invisible_x/invisible_y: bool whether or not to draw these axis. y_fix: dict with x_pos as keys and a list of tuples (cluster labels) as values. The position of clusters (tuples) are swapped. redistribute_vertically: int (default=4) how often the vertical pairwise swapping of clusters at a given time point should be performed. Attributes =========== clusters: dict Holds for each vertical position a list of :obj:`.Cluster` objects. """ def __init__( self, clusters, axes, y_pos='overwrite', cluster_w_spacing=1, cluster_kwargs={}, flux_kwargs={}, label_kwargs={}, **kwargs ): # if clusters are given in a list of lists (each list is a x position) self._set_x_pos = kwargs.get('set_x_pos', True) self._redistribute_vertically = kwargs.get( 'redistribute_vertically', 4 ) self.with_cluster_labels = kwargs.get('with_cluster_labels', True) self.format_xaxis = kwargs.get('format_xaxis', True) self._cluster_kwargs = cluster_kwargs self._flux_kwargs = flux_kwargs self._x_axis_offset = kwargs.get('x_axis_offset', 0.0) self._fill_figure = kwargs.get('fill_figure', False) self._invisible_y = kwargs.get('invisible_y', True) self._invisible_x = kwargs.get('invisible_x', False) self.y_fix = kwargs.get('y_fix', None) if isinstance(clusters, dict): self.clusters = clusters else: self.clusters = {} for cluster in clusters: try: self.clusters[cluster.x_pos].append(cluster) except KeyError: self.clusters[cluster.x_pos] = [cluster] self.x_positions = sorted(self.clusters.keys()) # set the x positions correctly for the clusters if self._set_x_pos: for x_pos in self.x_positions: for cluster in self.clusters[x_pos]: cluster = cluster.set_x_pos(x_pos) self._x_dates = False _minor_tick = 'months' if isinstance(self.x_positions[0], datetime): # assign date locator/formatter to the x-axis to get proper labels if self.format_xaxis: locator = mdates.AutoDateLocator(minticks=3) formatter = mdates.AutoDateFormatter(locator) axes.xaxis.set_major_locator(locator) axes.xaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter) self._x_dates = True if (self.x_positions[-1] - self.x_positions[0]).days < 2*30: _minor_tick = 'weeks' self.clusters = { mdates.date2num(x_pos): self.clusters[x_pos] for x_pos in self.x_positions } self.x_positions = sorted(self.clusters.keys()) for x_pos in self.x_positions: for cluster in self.clusters[x_pos]: # in days (same as mdates.date2num) cluster.width = cluster.width.total_seconds()/60/60/24 if cluster.label_margin is not None: _h_margin = cluster.label_margin[ 0].total_seconds()/60/60/24 cluster.label_margin = ( _h_margin, cluster.label_margin[1] ) cluster.set_x_pos(mdates.date2num(cluster.x_pos)) # TODO: set the cluster.width property with this self.cluster_width = kwargs.get('cluster_width', None) self.cluster_w_spacing = cluster_w_spacing self.x_lim = kwargs.get( 'x_lim', ( self.x_positions[0] - 2 * self.clusters[self.x_positions[0]][0].width, self.x_positions[-1] + 2 * self.clusters[self.x_positions[-1]][0].width, ) ) self.y_min, self.y_max = None, None if y_pos == 'overwrite': # reset the vertical positions for each row for x_pos in self.x_positions: self.distribute_clusters(x_pos) for x_pos in self.x_positions: self._move_new_clusters(x_pos) for x_pos in self.x_positions: nbr_clusters = len(self.clusters[x_pos]) for _ in range(nbr_clusters): for i in range(1, nbr_clusters): n1 = self.clusters[x_pos][nbr_clusters-i-1] n2 = self.clusters[x_pos][nbr_clusters-i] if self._swap_clusters(n1, n2, 'forwards'): n2.set_y_pos(n1.y_pos) n1.set_y_pos( n2.y_pos + n2.height + self.cluster_w_spacing ) self.clusters[x_pos][nbr_clusters-i] = n1 self.clusters[x_pos][nbr_clusters-i-1] = n2 else: # TODO: keep and complement pass if isinstance(self.y_fix, dict): # TODO: allow to directly get the index given the cluster label for x_pos in self.y_fix: for st in self.y_fix[x_pos]: n1_idx, n2_idx = ( i for i, l in enumerate( map( lambda x: x.label, self.clusters[x_pos]) ) if l in st ) self.clusters[ x_pos][n1_idx], self.clusters[ x_pos][n2_idx] = self.clusters[ x_pos][n2_idx], self.clusters[ x_pos][n1_idx] self._distribute_column(x_pos, self.cluster_w_spacing) # positions are set self.y_lim = kwargs.get('y_lim', (self.y_min, self.y_max)) # set the colors # TODO # now draw patch_collection = self.get_patchcollection( cluster_kwargs=self._cluster_kwargs, flux_kwargs=self._flux_kwargs ) axes.add_collection(patch_collection) if self.with_cluster_labels: label_collection = self.get_labelcollection(**label_kwargs) if label_collection: for label in label_collection: axes.annotate(**label) axes.set_xlim( *self.x_lim ) axes.set_ylim( *self.y_lim ) if self._fill_figure: axes.set_position( [ 0.0, self._x_axis_offset, 0.99, 1.0 - self._x_axis_offset ] ) if self._invisible_y: axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) if self._invisible_x: axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) axes.spines['right'].set_color('none') axes.spines['left'].set_color('none') axes.spines['top'].set_color('none') axes.spines['bottom'].set_color('none') if isinstance(self.x_positions[0], datetime) and self.format_xaxis: self.set_dates_xaxis(axes, _minor_tick)
[docs] def distribute_clusters(self, x_pos): r""" Distribute the clusters for a given x_position vertically Parameters ----------- x_pos: float The horizontal position at which the clusters should be distributed. This must be a `key` of the :attr:`~.AlluvialPlot.clusters` attribute. """ nbr_clusters = len(self.clusters[x_pos]) # sort clusters according to height _clusters = sorted(self.clusters[x_pos], key=lambda x: x.height) # sort so to put biggest height in the middle self.clusters[x_pos] = _clusters[::-2][::-1] + \ _clusters[nbr_clusters % 2::2][::-1] # set positioning self._distribute_column(x_pos, self.cluster_w_spacing) # now sort again considering the fluxes. old_mid_heights = [ cluster.mid_height for cluster in self.clusters[x_pos] ] # do the redistribution 4 times _redistribute = False for _ in range(self._redistribute_vertically): for cluster in self.clusters[x_pos]: weights = [] positions = [] for in_flux in cluster.in_fluxes: if in_flux.source_cluster is not None: weights.append(in_flux.flux_width) positions.append(in_flux.source_cluster.mid_height) if sum(weights) > 0.0: _redistribute = True cluster.set_mid_height( sum( [weights[i] * positions[i] for i in range(len(weights))] ) / sum(weights) ) if _redistribute: sort_key = [ bisect_left( old_mid_heights, self.clusters[x_pos][i].mid_height ) for i in range(nbr_clusters) ] cs, _sort_key = zip( *sorted( zip( list(range(nbr_clusters)), sort_key, ), key=lambda x: x[1] ) ) self.clusters[x_pos] = [self.clusters[x_pos][_k] for _k in cs] # redistribute them self._distribute_column(x_pos, self.cluster_w_spacing) old_mid_heights = [ cluster.mid_height for cluster in self.clusters[x_pos] ] else: break # perform pairwise swapping for backwards fluxes for _ in range(int(0.5 * nbr_clusters)): for i in range(1, nbr_clusters): n1, n2 = self.clusters[x_pos][i-1], self.clusters[x_pos][i] if self._swap_clusters(n1, n2, 'backwards'): n2.set_y_pos(n1.y_pos) n1.set_y_pos( n2.y_pos + n2.height + self.cluster_w_spacing ) self.clusters[x_pos][i-1], self.clusters[x_pos][i] = n2, n1 for _ in range(int(0.5 * nbr_clusters)): for i in range(1, nbr_clusters): n1 = self.clusters[x_pos][nbr_clusters-i-1] n2 = self.clusters[x_pos][nbr_clusters-i] if self._swap_clusters(n1, n2, 'backwards'): n2.set_y_pos(n1.y_pos) n1.set_y_pos( n2.y_pos + n2.height + self.cluster_w_spacing ) self.clusters[x_pos][nbr_clusters-i-1] = n2 self.clusters[x_pos][nbr_clusters-i] = n1 _min_y = min( self.clusters[x_pos], key=lambda x: x.y_pos ).y_pos - 2 * self.cluster_w_spacing _max_y_cluster = max( self.clusters[x_pos], key=lambda x: x.y_pos + x.height ) _max_y = _max_y_cluster.y_pos + \ _max_y_cluster.height + 2 * self.cluster_w_spacing self.y_min = min( self.y_min, _min_y ) if self.y_min is not None else _min_y self.y_max = max( self.y_max, _max_y ) if self.y_max is not None else _max_y
[docs] def set_dates_xaxis(self, ax, resolution='months'): r""" Format the x axis in case :class:`~datetime.datetime` objects are provide for the horizontal placement of clusters. Parameters ----------- ax: :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` Object to plot the alluvial diagram on. resolution: str (default='months') Possible values are ``'months'`` and ``'weeks'``. This determines the resolution of the minor ticks via :obj:`~matplotlib.axis.Axis.set_minor_formatter`. The major tick is then either given in years or months. .. todo:: Include further options or allow passing parameters directly to :meth:`~matplotlib.axis.Axis.set_minor_formatter` and :meth:`~matplotlib.axis.Axis.set_major_formatter`. """ import matplotlib.dates as mdates years = mdates.YearLocator() months = mdates.MonthLocator() weeks = mdates.WeekdayLocator(mdates.MONDAY) if resolution == 'months': monthsFmt = mdates.DateFormatter('%b') yearsFmt = mdates.DateFormatter('\n%Y') # add space ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(months) ax.xaxis.set_minor_formatter(monthsFmt) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(years) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(yearsFmt) elif resolution == 'weeks': monthsFmt = mdates.DateFormatter('\n%b') weeksFmt = mdates.DateFormatter('%b %d') ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(weeks) ax.xaxis.set_minor_formatter(weeksFmt) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(months) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(monthsFmt)
def _swap_clusters(self, n1, n2, direction='backwards'): squared_diff = {} for cluster in [n1, n2]: weights = [] sqdiff = [] if direction in ['both', 'backwards']: for in_flux in cluster.in_fluxes: if in_flux.source_cluster is not None: weights.append(in_flux.flux_width) sqdiff.append( abs( cluster.mid_height - in_flux.source_cluster.mid_height ) ) if direction in ['both', 'forwards']: for out_flux in cluster.out_fluxes: if out_flux.target_cluster is not None: weights.append(out_flux.flux_width) sqdiff.append( abs( cluster.mid_height - out_flux.target_cluster.mid_height ) ) if sum(weights) > 0.0: squared_diff[cluster] = sum( [weights[i] * sqdiff[i] for i in range(len(weights))] ) / sum(weights) # inverse order and check again assert n1.y_pos < n2.y_pos inv_mid_height = { n1: n2.y_pos + n2.height + self.cluster_w_spacing + 0.5 * n1.height, n2: n1.y_pos + 0.5 * n2.height } squared_diff_inf = {} for cluster in [n1, n2]: weights = [] sqdiff = [] if direction in ['both', 'backwards']: for in_flux in cluster.in_fluxes: if in_flux.source_cluster is not None: weights.append(in_flux.flux_width) sqdiff.append( abs( inv_mid_height[cluster] - in_flux.source_cluster.mid_height ) ) if direction in ['both', 'forwards']: for out_flux in cluster.out_fluxes: if out_flux.target_cluster is not None: weights.append(out_flux.flux_width) sqdiff.append( abs( inv_mid_height[cluster] - out_flux.target_cluster.mid_height ) ) if sum(weights) > 0.0: squared_diff_inf[cluster] = sum( [weights[i] * sqdiff[i] for i in range(len(weights))] ) / sum(weights) if sum(squared_diff.values()) > sum(squared_diff_inf.values()): return True else: return False def _move_new_clusters(self, x_pos): r""" This method redistributes fluxes without in-flux so to minimize the vertical displacement of out-fluxes. Parameters ----------- x_pos: float The horizontal position where new clusters without in-flux should be distributed. This must be a `key` of the :attr:`~.AlluvialPlot.clusters` attribute. Once the clusters are distributed for all x positions this method redistributes within a given x_positions the clusters that have no influx but out fluxes. The clusters are moved closer (vertically) to the target clusters of the out flux(es). """ old_mid_heights = [ cluster.mid_height for cluster in self.clusters[x_pos] ] _redistribute = False for cluster in self.clusters[x_pos]: if sum([_flux.flux_width for _flux in cluster.in_fluxes]) == 0.0: weights = [] positions = [] for out_flux in cluster.out_fluxes: if out_flux.target_cluster is not None: weights.append(out_flux.flux_width) positions.append(out_flux.target_cluster.mid_height) if sum(weights) > 0.0: _redistribute = True cluster.set_mid_height( sum( [weights[i] * positions[i] for i in range(len(weights))] ) / sum(weights) ) if _redistribute: sort_key = [ bisect_left( old_mid_heights, self.clusters[x_pos][i].mid_height ) for i in range(len(self.clusters[x_pos])) ] cs, _sort_key = zip( *sorted( zip( list(range(len(self.clusters[x_pos]))), sort_key, ), key=lambda x: x[1] ) ) self.clusters[x_pos] = [self.clusters[x_pos][_k] for _k in cs] # redistribute them self._distribute_column(x_pos, self.cluster_w_spacing)
[docs] def get_patchcollection( self, match_original=True, cluster_kwargs={}, flux_kwargs={}, *args, **kwargs ): """ Gather the patchcollection to add to the axes Parameter: ---------- :param kwargs: Options: """ cluster_patches = [] fluxes = [] for x_pos in self.x_positions: out_fluxes = [] for cluster in self.clusters[x_pos]: # TODO: set color # _cluster_color cluster_patches.append( cluster.get_patch( **cluster_kwargs ) ) # sort the fluxes for minimal overlap cluster.set_loc_out_fluxes() cluster.sort_in_fluxes() cluster.sort_out_fluxes() cluster.set_anchor_in_fluxes() cluster.set_anchor_out_fluxes() out_fluxes.extend( cluster.out_fluxes ) fluxes.append(out_fluxes) flux_patches = [] for out_fluxes in fluxes: for out_flux in out_fluxes: flux_patches.append( out_flux.get_patch( **flux_kwargs ) ) all_patches = [] all_patches.extend(flux_patches) all_patches.extend(cluster_patches) return PatchCollection( all_patches, match_original=match_original, *args, **kwargs )
[docs] def get_labelcollection(self, *args, **kwargs): h_margin = kwargs.pop('h_margin', None) v_margin = kwargs.pop('v_margin', None) if 'horizontalalignment' not in kwargs: kwargs['horizontalalignment'] = 'right' if 'verticalalignment' not in kwargs: kwargs['verticalalignment'] = 'bottom' cluster_labels = [] for x_pos in self.x_positions: for cluster in self.clusters[x_pos]: _h_margin = h_margin _v_margin = v_margin if cluster.label_margin: _h_margin, _v_margin = cluster.label_margin if cluster.label is not None: # # Options (example): # 'a polar annotation', # xy=(thistheta, thisr), # theta, radius # xytext=(0.05, 0.05), # fraction, fraction # textcoords='figure fraction', # arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', shrink=0.05), cluster_label = { 'text': cluster.label, 'xy': ( cluster.x_pos - _h_margin, cluster.y_pos + _v_margin ) } cluster_label.update(kwargs) cluster_labels.append(cluster_label) return cluster_labels
def _distribute_column(self, x_pos, cluster_w_spacing): displace = 0.0 for cluster in self.clusters[x_pos]: cluster.set_y_pos(displace) displace += cluster.height + cluster_w_spacing # now offset to center low = self.clusters[x_pos][0].y_pos high = self.clusters[x_pos][-1].y_pos + self.clusters[x_pos][-1].height cent_offset = low + 0.5 * (high - low) # _h_clusters = 0.5 * len(clusters) # cent_idx = int(_h_clusters) - 1 \ # if _h_clusters.is_integer() \ # else int(_h_clusters) # cent_offest = clusters[cent_idx].mid_height for cluster in self.clusters[x_pos]: cluster.set_y_pos(cluster.y_pos - cent_offset)
[docs] def color_clusters(self, patches, r""" *unused* Parameters ----------- patches: list[:class:`~matplotlib.patches.PathPatch`] Cluster patches to color. colormap: :obj:`` (default='rainbow') See the matplotlib tutorial for colormaps (`link <>`_) for details. """ nbr_clusters = len(patches) c_iter = iter(colormap([i/nbr_clusters for i in range(nbr_clusters)])) for i in range(nbr_clusters): _color = next(c_iter) patches[i].set_facecolor(_color) patches[i].set_edgecolor(_color) return None