Source code for pyalluv.clusters

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from matplotlib.path import Path
import matplotlib.patches as patches

[docs]class Cluster(object): r""" This class defines the cluster objects for an alluvial diagram. Note ----- The vertical position of a cluster will be set when creating a :class:`~pyalluv.plotting.AlluvialPlot`. Parameters ----------- height: float, int The cluster size which will translate into the height of this cluster. anchor: float (default=None) Set the anchor position. Either only the horizontal position, both :math:`(x, y)` or nothing can be provided. width: float (default=1.0) Set the cluster width. label: str (default=None) The label for this cluster, that can be shown in the diagram \**kwargs optional parameter: x_anchor: ``'center'``, ``'left'`` or ``'right'`` (default='center') Determine where the anchor position is relative to the rectangle that will represent this cluster. Options are either the left or right corner or centered: linewidth: float (default=0.0) Set the width of the line surrounding a cluster. label_margin: tuple(horizontal, vertical) Sets horizontal and vertical margins for the label of a cluster. Attributes ----------- x_pos: float Horizontal position of the cluster anchor. y_pos: float Vertical position of the cluster center. x_anchor: str Anchor position relative to the rectangle representing the cluster. Possible values are: ``'center'``, ``'left'`` or ``'right'``. height: float Size of the cluster that will determine its height in the diagram. width: float Width of the cluster. In the same units as ``x_pos``. label: str Label, id or name of the cluster. in_fluxes: list[:class:`~pyalluv.fluxes.Flux`] All incoming fluxes of this cluster. out_fluxes: list[:class:`~pyalluv.fluxes.Flux`] All outgoing fluxes of this cluster. """ def __init__(self, height, anchor=None, width=1.0, label=None, **kwargs): self._interp_steps = kwargs.pop('_interpolation_steps', 1) self.x_anchor = kwargs.pop('x_anchor', 'center') self.label = label self.label_margin = kwargs.pop('label_margin', None) self._closed = kwargs.pop('closed', False) self._readonly = kwargs.pop('readonly', False) self.patch_kwargs = kwargs self.patch_kwargs['lw'] = self.patch_kwargs.pop( 'linewidth', self.patch_kwargs.pop('lw', 0.0) ) if isinstance(height, (list, tuple)): self.height = len(height) else: self.height = height self.width = width if isinstance(anchor, (list, tuple)): x_coord, y_coord = anchor else: x_coord, y_coord = anchor, None self = self.set_x_pos(x_coord).set_y_pos(y_coord) # init the in and out fluxes: self.out_fluxes = [] self.in_fluxes = [] self.in_margin = { 'bottom': 0, 'top': 0 } self.out_margin = { 'bottom': 0, 'top': 0} # ref points to add fluxes self.in_ = None self.out_ = None
[docs] def set_x_pos(self, x_pos): r""" Set the horizontal position of a cluster. The position is set according to the value provided in ``x_pos`` and ``self.x_anchor``. Parameters ----------- x_pos: float Horizontal position of the anchor for the cluster. Returns -------- self: :class:`.Cluster` with new property ``x_pos``. """ self.x_pos = x_pos if self.x_pos is not None: self.x_pos -= 0.5 * self.width if self.x_anchor == 'left': self.x_pos += 0.5 * self.width elif self.x_anchor == 'right': self.x_pos -= 0.5 * self.width return self
[docs] def get_patch(self, **kwargs): _kwargs = dict(kwargs) _kwargs.update(self.patch_kwargs) self.set_in_out_anchors() vertices = [ (self.x_pos, self.y_pos), (self.x_pos, self.y_pos + self.height), (self.x_pos + self.width, self.y_pos + self.height), (self.x_pos + self.width, self.y_pos), # this is just ignored as the code is CLOSEPOLY (self.x_pos, self.y_pos) ] codes = [ Path.MOVETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO, Path.CLOSEPOLY ] return patches.PathPatch( Path( vertices, codes, self._interp_steps, self._closed, self._readonly ), **_kwargs )
[docs] def set_loc_out_fluxes(self,): for out_flux in self.out_fluxes: in_loc = None out_loc = None if out_flux.target_cluster is not None: if self.mid_height > out_flux.target_cluster.mid_height: # draw to top if self.mid_height >= \ out_flux.target_cluster.in_['top'][1]: # draw from bottom to in top out_loc = 'bottom' in_loc = 'top' else: # draw from top to top out_loc = 'top' in_loc = 'top' else: # draw to bottom if self.mid_height <= \ out_flux.target_cluster.in_['bottom'][1]: # draw from top to bottom out_loc = 'top' in_loc = 'bottom' else: # draw form bottom to bottom out_loc = 'bottom' in_loc = 'bottom' else: out_flux.out_loc = out_flux.out_flux_vanish out_flux.in_loc = in_loc out_flux.out_loc = out_loc
[docs] def sort_out_fluxes(self,): _top_fluxes = [ (i, self.out_fluxes[i]) for i in range(len(self.out_fluxes)) if self.out_fluxes[i].out_loc == 'top' ] _bottom_fluxes = [ (i, self.out_fluxes[i]) for i in range(len(self.out_fluxes)) if self.out_fluxes[i].out_loc == 'bottom' ] if _top_fluxes: sorted_top_idx, _fluxes_top = zip(*sorted( _top_fluxes, key=lambda x: x[1].target_cluster.mid_height if x[1].target_cluster else -10000, reverse=True )) else: sorted_top_idx = [] if _bottom_fluxes: sorted_bottom_idx, _fluxes_bottom = zip(*sorted( _bottom_fluxes, key=lambda x: x[1].target_cluster.mid_height if x[1].target_cluster else -10000, reverse=False )) else: sorted_bottom_idx = [] sorted_idx = list(sorted_top_idx) + list(sorted_bottom_idx) self.out_fluxes = [self.out_fluxes[i] for i in sorted_idx]
[docs] def sort_in_fluxes(self,): _top_fluxes = [ (i, self.in_fluxes[i]) for i in range(len(self.in_fluxes)) if self.in_fluxes[i].in_loc == 'top' ] _bottom_fluxes = [ (i, self.in_fluxes[i]) for i in range(len(self.in_fluxes)) if self.in_fluxes[i].in_loc == 'bottom' ] if _top_fluxes: sorted_top_idx, _fluxes_top = zip(*sorted( _top_fluxes, key=lambda x: x[1].source_cluster.mid_height if x[1].source_cluster else -10000, reverse=True )) else: sorted_top_idx = [] if _bottom_fluxes: sorted_bottom_idx, _fluxes_bottom = zip(*sorted( _bottom_fluxes, key=lambda x: x[1].source_cluster.mid_height if x[1].source_cluster else -10000, reverse=False )) else: sorted_bottom_idx = [] sorted_idx = list(sorted_top_idx) + list(sorted_bottom_idx) self.in_fluxes = [self.in_fluxes[i] for i in sorted_idx]
[docs] def get_loc_out_flux(self, flux_width, out_loc, in_loc): anchor_out = ( self.out_[ out_loc][0], self.out_[out_loc][1] + self.out_margin[out_loc] + (flux_width if in_loc == 'bottom' else 0) ) top_out = ( self.out_[ out_loc][0], self.out_[out_loc][1] + self.out_margin[out_loc] + (flux_width if in_loc == 'top' else 0) ) self.out_margin[out_loc] += flux_width return anchor_out, top_out
[docs] def set_anchor_out_fluxes(self,): for out_flux in self.out_fluxes: out_width = out_flux.flux_width \ if out_flux.out_loc == 'bottom' else - out_flux.flux_width out_flux.anchor_out, out_flux.top_out = self.get_loc_out_flux( out_width, out_flux.out_loc, out_flux.in_loc )
[docs] def set_anchor_in_fluxes(self,): for in_flux in self.in_fluxes: in_width = in_flux.flux_width \ if in_flux.in_loc == 'bottom' else - in_flux.flux_width in_flux.anchor_in, in_flux.top_in = self.get_loc_in_flux( in_width, in_flux.out_loc, in_flux.in_loc )
[docs] def get_loc_in_flux(self, flux_width, out_loc, in_loc): anchor_in = ( self.in_[ in_loc][0], self.in_[in_loc][1] + self.in_margin[in_loc] + (flux_width if out_loc == 'bottom' else 0) ) top_in = ( self.in_[ in_loc][0], self.in_[in_loc][1] + self.in_margin[in_loc] + (flux_width if out_loc == 'top' else 0) ) self.in_margin[in_loc] += flux_width return anchor_in, top_in
[docs] def set_mid_height(self, mid_height): self.mid_height = mid_height if self.mid_height is not None: self.y_pos = self.mid_height - 0.5 * self.height self.set_in_out_anchors() else: self.y_pos = None
[docs] def set_y_pos(self, y_pos): self.y_pos = y_pos if self.y_pos is not None: self.mid_height = self.y_pos + 0.5 * self.height self.set_in_out_anchors() else: self.mid_height = None return self
[docs] def set_in_out_anchors(self,): """ This sets the proper anchor points for fluxes to enter/leave """ # if self.y_pos is None or self.mid_height is None: # self.set_y_pos() self.in_ = { 'bottom': (self.x_pos, self.y_pos), # left, bottom 'top': (self.x_pos, self.y_pos + self.height) # left, top } self.out_ = { # right, top 'top': (self.x_pos + self.width, self.y_pos + self.height), 'bottom': (self.x_pos + self.width, self.y_pos) # right,bottom }